Fitness & Well Being Through Chair Yoga


Yesterday is already a memory and tomorrow is only a vision. But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a memory of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Second Chance

It's never too late to start over.  If you weren't happy with yesterday, try something different today.  If you do even 1% better than yesterday, that's an improvement.  It doesn't take a lot to move forward.  Every day, every minute, is a choice for another chance to be a little better at something in your life.

Color Your World

When everything is black and white, sometimes it's hard to see the obvious.  Even a splash of color can make a big difference. Feeling blue?  Pick another color.  There is a rainbow of colors to help you live a colorful life.  Showing your true colors allows you to stand out and shine bright.


When we're on vacation, we have a heightened interest in everything around us.  We try new things and visit new places. We are upbeat and optimistic.  We have a new sense of excitement and exploration.  At home, we take many things for granted. Habit blinds us to discoveries that lie right before our eyes.  We put off visiting new places in our backyard that other people travel miles to see. Look for new things to do or new places to try and enjoy your wonderful stay-cation.


One of the most important relationships you have in your life is with your own thoughts.  Nurture them with love and kindness. Keep them happy and safe.  And, most of all, give them the gift of peace.

The Benefits of Laughter

Improves breathing.

Reduces heart disease.

Relaxes muscles and ease tension in the body.

Eases anxiety, fear and stress.

Provides an internal workout.

​Instant mood enhancer by increasing serotonin in the brain.

Promotes bonding with others.

Laughter is the best medicine, however, if you are laughing for no reason, then you may need medicine.

The Gift Of Friendship

Friends give us their friendship and all that goes with it: laughter, trust, loyalty, support and companionship.  What makes a great friend is to be a great friend.  Unfortunately, it's easy to become too busy, self-absorbed or too cautious to make new friends. There are times when we shut out the friends we already have. It's easy to take our friendships for granted.  Like any relationship, it needs to be nurtured and appreciated.  The gift of a true friend is priceless. 

Power Thoughts

Your body operates like electrical current powered by your thoughts.  When your dominate thoughts are focused on problems or stressful situations, your body will feel more anxious, tense and lethargic.  It's hard to focus or see when the light is dim or dark.  When your dominate thoughts are focused on positive things like gratitude, joy and hope, you tend to feel happier and more energetic.  When the light is turned on, you can see more clearly.  The brighter your light, the more you will shine.

Chain Reaction

Your attitude creates a chain reaction.

A great attitude becomes a great day,

which becomes a great week,

which becomes a great month,

which becomes a great year, 

which becomes a great life.

A little attitude adjustment is all it takes to make a big difference.

Situations may not change, but your attitude can.

Now go put your positive yoga pants on and have a great day!

A Dose of Humor

Almost everything can be helped with a healthy dose of humor.

We can rail in anger and frustration about relationships, work, politics, or the world in general.  It's a lot more useful to laugh instead.  Taking life with a dose of humor can relieve stress, improve your mood, cope with change and put things into clearer perspective. ​ Challenge yourself today and this week to find the humor in something you find annoying or irritating.

Strong vs. Strength

Being strong can mean various things.  We can stretch and tone our muscles to become stronger.  We can rely on outward resources and abilities to keep us strong.  However, real strength comes from within.  The strength you develop when faced with the battles of life.  The strength you didn't even know you had when times get tough.  The inner strength that develops through adversity and change.  It's that supernatural strength that is so much bigger that we are. 

What Does Yoga Teach Us About Life?

To be flexible.

To be focused.

To be strong and confident.

To be calm.

To listen.

To be a warrior, not a worrier.

To balance.

To stretch.

To be in the moment.

To be grateful.

To just show up.

And most of all, to just breathe! 

Be the Angel

You may not always have the right words to help someone, but you do have arms to hug, ears that can listen and a heart that can feel.  Do what you can for a person who is reaching out.  You were born with the ability to change someone's life.  Don't ever waste it.


In life, sometimes you lose your alignment.

Like a car out of alignment, the tires wear down, the car will veer off it's path, and you may find yourself stuck somewhere off the road.

However, when your mind, body and soul are aligned with your passion, purpose and positive attitude, then you will create true joy and fulfillment.  The road ahead will feel smooth, with no tugging or pulling, paved with good intention, and will lead you to your ultimate destination.

Practice the Pause

When in doubt...Pause.

When you're angry...Pause.

When you're tired...Pause.

When you're stressed...Pause.

Pause before you judge.

Pause before you assume.

Pause before you speak.

Life keeps moving's up to you to pause and reflect and give thanks to all that is good.

True Peace

It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, no trouble or no stress.  It means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart.  A heart at peace gives life to the body.

The Storm

You can't calm the storm, so stop trying.

Without rain, nothing grows.

What you can do is to calm yourself, and the storm will pass.

Remember that your rainbow is waiting on the other side.

Your Holiday To Do List

Don't just buy presents, be present.

Don't just wrap gifts, wrap someone with a hug.

Don't just send gifts, send peace.

Don't just shop for food, feed your soul.

Don't just look at the lights, be the light.

Bold is Beautiful

What does it mean to be bold?  It means being confident, fearless, adventurous, courageous. spirited and brave.

This may mean choosing a different response to a situation or taking a chance to fulfill a lifelong dream.  Planning the trip you always wanted to take or making that phone call you know you should.  You're never too old to overcome your fears.  As long as you are breathing, you have a choice.  When you become bold, you become free.

​Remember, we are not getting older, we are getting bolder.


The past is where you learned the lesson.

The future is where you apply the lesson.

If you made a mistake, that is a lesson.

If you repeat that mistake, that is your choice.


One tree can make a forest.

One smile can make a friendship.

One hand can lift a soul.

One laugh can conquer sadness.

One hope can lift spirits.

One touch can show you care.

​One life can make a difference.

Be the one!

The Sea of Life

Sometimes the waters are calm, and sometimes the waters are troubled.  There are times you swim with the current, and there are times you have to swim upstream.  Sometimes you end up in muddy waters, and other times it is crystal clear. When you feel like you're drowning, come to the surface and float until you catch your breath and start swimming again. Life comes in waves, take your vitamin sea, and drink plenty of water.​​

thought of the day

The Story

Most worry, fear and anxiety start with the story you created in your mind.

The story is usually fiction.

You have the power to change the storyline anytime.

Since it's your story, it is up to you to create a happy ending.

The Funny Side of Life

Isn't it funny how laughter shifts our perspective and opens us up to new possibilities?

Isn't it funny how laughter lightens up a stressful situation?

Isn't it funny when you laugh at your own mistakes, you forgive yourself faster?

Isn't it funny when things become so ludicrous, all you can do is laugh?

​And isn't it funny when you finally let go, everything seems to work out?

Being Rich

Today and everyday, live like you're rich.

Rich in forgiveness,

Rich in wisdom,

Rich in strength,

Rich in compassion,

Rich in kindness,

​Rich in Love.

Follow Your Heart

The biggest struggle in life is between listening to your mind or following your heart.  The mind rationalizes and the heart feels. The mind tricks, while the heart knows.  When you don't know what to do, always follow your heart because love will show you the way.

The Yoga Way of Life

Yoga is a powerful vehicle for change.  As you build strength and commitment, you start to believe in your own potential.  

You don't have to practice yoga to get better at yoga. You practice yoga to get better at living.

Changing the World

There is no need for you to change the world, just start with yourself and you started the change.  You are an important part of this world.  Everything you say and do as a human being will radiate onto others.  Being here and doing your part ripples into thousands of people, whether you realize it or not.  Be the beauty in someone else's life and watch the change start to unfold.


A miracle isn't just walking on water or a life saved during the worse circumstance.  The miracle means being here on this earth, watching a sunrise or sunset, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive.  The miracles are happening everyday and every moment if you just pause. 

Stretching Through Life

Stretch past your fears, limitations and comfort zone.

Sometimes you must stretch your faith.

Each stretch of life brings meanings, lessons and challenges.

Your stretch marks tell a story.

You must stretch so you become flexible in life through adversity, challenge and circumstance.

​The soul is like a guitar string, it only makes music when it is stretched.

Life is like a Quilt

Fabric, like people, are different shapes, colors and sizes. Each piece by itself is unique and beautiful to the master quilter.  Each plays an intricate role.  Each has a different story and common thread.  Some are just for show, some kept hidden, and some created to keep others warm.  When they are sewn together with love, they will create lasting memories.


Have you noticed that life is like a jigsaw puzzle?

It can look overwhelming if you don't see the big picture. Each piece connects to make a larger picture.  It takes some guessing, trial and error.  You can't force the pieces to fit, even if it looks like it should.  Looking for that perfect fit can take time.  Sometimes that piece fits perfectly on the first try. Sometimes you must walk away when you feel frustrated.  Do you find yourself stuck on the missing piece or do you build around it?  Each piece has its own unique color, shape and pattern.  The satisfaction and joy come when the right pieces fit together no matter how long it takes.

The Mountain in Life

Climbing the mountain in life is always more challenging than it appears.  Preparation is the key. Keep yourself emotionally and physically fit for each steep climb.  Expect the unexpected when things get rocky and slippery.  Rest when tired after a steep climb.  And remember, the higher you go, the better the view.

A New Year

A new year brings new hope.

A new month brings you closer to a new season.

A new day is a gift to start over, move forward, and take that first step to making the hope into a dream, and that dream into a reality.

It doesn't matter your circumstance or age.

​What matters most is your desires to make that change. One consistent step is all it takes to make yourself happier and your life better today.

How Full Is Your Cup?

People who wonder whether the cup is half empty or half full miss the point.  The cup is always refillable. The key is to make sure when your cup is empty to fill it up, so you can pour into others. Remember that you can't pour from an empty cup.

Connecting the Dots of Happiness

Focusing on connecting the dots allows you to be in the present moment.  It is about your connection to the little joys in your day to day life.  Each connection brings together a bigger picture of what real happiness looks like.  If you can't see the bigger picture, then start connecting the dots.

The Sunrise Miracle

Did you know that the darkest part of the night is right before sunrise?  When we witness the miracle of a sunrise, it should always inspire a sense of hope and gratitude for a new beginning and new opportunity.  The sun is always shining on the horizon.  Please remember, even in your darkest moments, the sunrise is just moments away, even if you don't see it.  May every sunrise bring you hope and joy!

Pay Attention To Your Intention

When you say what you mean,

and mean what you say.

When you give what you want,

and want what you give.

When you do what you love,

and love what you do.

Your words and your actions

​come flowing back to you.

Chair Yoga With Shelly

Showing Up

I often say that just showing up to a yoga class for some people is the hardest part.  Your practice doesn't expect you to show up happy or put together.  You can arrive with a heavy heart or a jumbled mind.  Your practice could care less if you can touch your toes, hold a pose or how flexible you are.  Just showing up and being present is sometimes all it takes to make a difference in your life.

People Are Like Gifts

People are like gifts.

You never know what's inside until you open them.

Exteriors may be misleading.

Some are wrapped beautifully and some lack decoration.

But do we take the time to look beyond the packaging?

Some arrive pristine, while others have been mishandled.

Many are free from labeling, but some have been unjustly stamped.

When the gift is finally opened, outward appearances are totally forgotten.

The wrapping paper is thrown away and only the inner contents remain.

Ten Simple Ways to Show Love this Holiday Season

 1. Listen without interrupting.

 2. Speak without disparaging.

 3. Answer without arguing.

 4. Praise without criticizing.

 5. Enjoy without complaining.

 6. Share without hesitating.

 7. Give without sparing.

 8. Trust without wavering.

 9. Forgive without demanding.

10. Promise without forgetting.

Being Grateful

When people think of being grateful, they usually think of being thankful for what they have.  However, there is another meaning.

First, be great.  That means taking one small step everyday to move forward in a positive way.  That may be a thought or an action.  Each small, baby step, will lead to big transformation in your life.

Second, is being full.  Fill yourself with things that you are passionate about, to which you look forward, and that bring you joy.  

It is these things that really make you smile on the inside and excited to be alive.

​So, your true purpose in life is to be grateful, and to be great and full.

Love, Faith and Joy

When you have love, you found peace.

When you have faith, you found peace.

When you have joy, you found peace.

A heart at peace gives life to the body.


Love is the great teacher in our life.  It is what we search for our entire life.  It is when we make those connections with love in any form, we feel joy, peace and gratitude.  When love is taken away, we turn to fear, anger and regret.  However, our true nature goes searching for love again.  When you love life, life loves you back.

Mind, Body, Life

Keeping your mind and body in alignment with life takes a lot of discipline and practice.  The slightest negative thought, pain or life circumstances can throw us off our alignment and connection at any time.  It is so important on our journey to treat all three with care and pay attention to the warning signals. Whatever care is needed, approach with love.

Your Choice

Choose to live by choice, not by chance.

Make changes, not excuses.

Be motivated, not manipulated.

Be useful, not used.

Choose self-esteem, not self-pity.

Choose to listen to your inner voice and not the random opinion of others.

When It Storms\

Create your own sunshine.

Be the ray of sunshine in someone else's life.

Be on the lookout for the rainbow.

Jump in the puddles and dance in the rain.

Spread some light.

It doesn't rain forever.

And remember, no one ever injured their eyesight by looking on the brightside.

Copyright © Shelly Anderson. All rights reserved.


Listening is one of the greatest acts of kindness and respect.  This goes to the heart of learning and growing. Listening requires a great deal of discipline.

A loving silence often has more power to heal than most well intentioned words.

Think about this - the word listen has the same letters as the word silent.

And always listen to your heart.  Even though it's on the left side, it's always right!

The First Time

Watching a baby take their first steps is exciting to watch. Why?  It represents the beginning of what life is all about.

Personal growth




Falling and getting back up



So, the question is...when was the last time you did something for the first time?

House Rules of Life

Some of life's answers are right in your house.

The roof says: aim high.

The floor says: stay grounded.

The fan says: stay cool.

The clock says: every minute is precious.

The mirror says: reflect.

The Window says: see the world and enjoy the fireworks.

The door says: just open and step aside.